Monday, October 1, 2018


¡Buenos días!

My last week in New City was pretty good. That's right, t'was my final week here in New City, but not in New York. In a turn of events I have been transferred to Middletown, New York just northwest of where I have been. It is part of the state added from the New York, New York North mission and the only other New York Spanish sister area in the New Jersey Morristown Mission. Yeah, I'm going to spend more of my mission in New York than New Jersey. 

Also, I am going to be kept real busy these last few months because President has asked me to be an STL.* I'll be with Hermana Kim, one of my roommates from the MTC! We actually just had an exchange together this week where I got to go up and be with her in Middletown. It was like a sneak preview for my new life. The ward up there is also Spanglish, but they have more Hispanics than the New City Ward and no Creyol speakers. 

Here is a picture of us on exchanges:

Yesterday we had a really great lesson with the V-- H--- family who had invited us over for dinner. We weren't the only dinner guests as they had invited a lot of friends. Although I was a little intimidated at first by the large number of people, we gathered all 25 of them and taught a  lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was really cool. The spirit was present as we testified of the Savior and invited them all to watch conference seeking for a message of repentance for them specifically. Afterwards we learned there were people of Catholic, Methodist, and Jewish faith present for the lesson.

I am excited for this new transfer and new assignment. I know it will help me to grow and exercise my faith in the Savior. This is something I have been making a greater effort to do lately. If I want my faith to grow I must exercise it, forgetting my own fears and self doubts and trusting in Christ. With His help, I can do whatever He asks of me. 

Hermana Croft

No explanation behind why she sent this picture...unless you know what a big "Hamilton" fans she is. Weehawken, New Jersey is where Alexander Hamilton had his fatal duel with Aaron Burr.

* STL = Sister Training Leader

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