Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I have missionaried in New York for forever now! Not complaining, I have loved it here. It is equal with Kearny if not above now. The ward is just too lovable. But I should be back in New Jersey in two weeks. I'll be very surprised if I finish out my mission in New York. There is technically one other Spanish sister I could go to in N.Y., but I don't think I will be sent there. So back to Jersey for me! And most likely back to a full Spanish ward/branch! Exciting things!

This last Saturday we offered service at the Salvation Army as usual. We go over every week to help prepare and serve food to the poor and homeless. We served a Thanksgiving-type meal of turkey, stuffing, green beans, and gravy. I'll tell you what that stuffing was so sticky! I was in charge of scooping it into each tray, and it was slow going. The other volunteers don't really speak Spanish, but they know a couple phrases because most of the people we serve are Hispanic. They asked how to say turkey, to explain what was in each tray as we offered it to them. I said, "Polvo". It wasn't until a couple hours later I realized I was wrong. The word for turkey in Spanish is "Pavo", "Polvo" means dust. We literally spent several hours offering people trays of dust. SOS. 

¿Quรฉ mรกs? I am currently listening to Hercules. My companion is a big Disney fan. Scratch that, the song just changed to the Harry Potter soundtrack. She is also a big Harry Potter fan. Speaking of Disney, the V-- H---- always talk about me being a Disney princess. They ask if birds come when I whistle to do our laundry in the morning. 

I sent a video of the new apartment. I also sent some pictures from cleaning the old one, and playing around on a fire escape after leaving a lesson. I was really happy because a lot of prayers had been answered and our investigator was able to get a car! 

Love love love!
Hermana Croft 

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