Halloween was fun, no carved pumpkins though. We had a lot of appointments, and then got dropped by a woman from Honduras. She invited us in, sat us down and told us she couldn't keep meeting with us. It was kind of sad because the last lesson we had with her was really spiritual. But then she got sick and we couldn't see her for two weeks, and she had some pressure from friends in Honduras to stop seeing us.
That night we had to stay in the apartment, so we did some online proselyting and handed out candy to the few treat-or-treaters who stopped by. Funny enough, we had a cute little boy and his older brother who we had contacted the week before drop by. This time they were the ones knocking on OUR door! They remembered us, and even gave us some candy in return. Super sweet.
When I mentioned scary contacts a coupe weeks ago, it just involved drunk/high/mentally unstable men being creepy and not wanting anything to do with religion. I could give you details, but it would be easier to just tell you in person later. And it's not like I haven't dealt with people like that my whole mission, it was just a lot in a short period of time.
This week was busy, as the last week of a transfer always is. Lots of appointments and district counsel on Tuesday. Wednesday we headed down to New City and did a finding blitz with the Sisters down there. I got to spend the day with H. Miller so that was a lot of fun. And we found a BUNCH of cool people for them to teach, I got to whip out my Creyol/French contacting, and we ran into some members while knocking which was fun for me.

Thursday was busy because of weekly planning and deep cleaning the apartment for the new transfer. We also had a really sad lesson with F---, a woman we have been teaching. She has a strong desire to be baptized, but unfortunately is not currently living in accordance with the Law of Chastity. She has had some really bad experiences with marriages in the past, and has no intention of ever being married again. So it broke her heart when we explained that she wouldn't be able to be baptized unless something about the situation changed. For right now, she is just praying for guidance and peace. She is also really upset we are both leaving, but we are meeting with her again tonight, so hopefully we will be able to help her find some peace.
Which leads me to my biggest news this week:
President pulled a fast one and is transferring both me and H. Kim out of Middletown for our last couple weeks.
H. Kim is going down south (close to Red Bank where I started) to open a new area. She will also be training a brand new missionary. She is stressed.
I am going Ledgewood/Hackettstown, NJ (that's s right, Armpit of America baby!). They are doubling out the two companionship of elders who have been there and putting in me and H. Wahlquist to cover both the Spanish branch, and the English ward. Plus, we are still serving as STLs. We will be busy taking over the teaching pools of two companionships and trying to figure out an area neither of us have ever been to before.
Also, may I just point out I have served more than half of my mission Spanglish? I will finally get a Spanish branch again (#NoMoreTranslatingOnSunday), but we are still Spanglish because of the English ward. I should have bought an English name tag 8 months ago. Now there is no point.
Honestly, I am kind of nervous about the Spanish branch. Because I have been so Spanglish, my Spanish really is not very good. Luckily my companion speaks amazing Spanish, so she can take care of the Spanish half, and I'll do the English.
I don't really know H. Wahlquist very well yet. But we have met at a couple meetings. She was actually H. Kim's companion before she came to Middletown. She is from California.
- Sister Croft
Hello my dearest mother!
L----, a wonderful woman I have been teaching (whose picture you can see on my FB page), is going to be baptized December 8th. The catch is, she is being baptized in Utah. She and her husband J-- have some close family friends out there, and she wants one of them to perform the ordinance. He was going to fly up to New York, but he has cancer, and is too sick to travel. So they are going to him.
Since I can't attend the baptism, I was wondering if you would be willing to go? I know December is crazy busy and Highland is a bit of a drive, but it would mean a lot to me (and Linda) if at least someone from the family was able to make it.
She and her husband are honestly just the sweetest. As a parting gift, they bought H. Kim and I matching robes, haha! They have been a big part of my time here in Middletown. I love them!
Hermana Croft (your long lost daughter)